東京マラソン2024チャリティ 寄付金ご入金のご案内
Tokyo Marathon 2024 Charity Donation Payment Information

こちらは東京マラソン2024チャリティ RUN with HEARTサイトにて寄付の申込を行い、チャリティランナーとして出走が決まった方用の寄付金ご入金ページです。
This is the donation payment page for those who have made a donation application on the Tokyo Marathon 2024 Charity RUN with HEART website and have been selected to run as a charity runner.
Those who wish to participate in the Tokyo Marathon 2024 Charity Run need to apply separately from the Tokyo Marathon official website. Please click here for details.
Payment Method
ご寄付は以下のボタンからお申し込みください。 マドレボニータのチャリティランナーの皆さまには
To make a donation, please click the button below. Madre Bonita charity runners are asked to donate 100,000 yen or more.
※Donations can only be made by credit card.
We aim to redefine postpartum issues from women’s matters to agendas for couples, families, and society.
Your financial support helps us to provide maternity and postpartum programs, train postpartum care trainers, and raise awareness of postpartum healthcare.

Madrebonita is recognized as a certified non-profit organization by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Donors can receive tax benefits such as a donation deduction by filing a tax return.
Please click here to see the description based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
認定NPO法人マドレボニータは、東京マラソン財団チャリティ RUN with HEARTの寄付先団体です。
▶︎東京マラソン財団チャリティ RUN with HEART公式ウェブサイト
NPO MadreBonita is an official charity of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation Charity “RUN with HEART”.
▶︎Official Website of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation Charity “RUN with HEART”